What Is a Monolithic Architecture?

A monolithic architecture is a software design pattern where all components and functionalities of an application are combined into a single, tightly-coupled, self-contained unit. A monolithic application is initially simpler to develop, test, and deploy. However, as the application grows in size and complexity, it may face challenges related to modularity, scalability, and maintenance.

What Is a Microservices Architecture?

A microservices architecture is a software design pattern that breaks down an application into smaller, independent, and loosely-coupled services, each responsible for a specific functionality. This approach enables better flexibility, scalability, and ease of maintenance by allowing individual services to be developed, tested, and deployed independently, while also promoting faster development cycles and more efficient resource utilization. However, microservices architectures can be complex to deploy, test, monitor, and maintain.

In this article:

  • What Is a Microservices Architecture?
  • Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture: Pros and Cons
  • How to Choose Between a Monolithic and Microservices: 3 Key Considerations
  • Should You Switch?

What Is Mono-Repo and Multi-Repo?

The distinction between monolithic and microservices architectures is based on how the application components are designed and interact. There is another, related distinction between mono-repo and multiple repos, which describes how the source code is organized and managed.

A mono-repo is a version control strategy that stores the source code of all components and services in a single repository, while a multi-repo strategy uses a separate repository for each component or service.

It is possible to have a monolithic architecture in a multi-repo environment, but this is not the typical case. It is also possible to have a multi-repo architecture in a mono-repo environment.

Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture: Pros and Cons

Both monolithic and microservices architectures have their own advantages and disadvantages. Here is a comparison of the pros and cons of each:

Monolithic architecture:


  • Ease of development: A unified codebase makes it easier for developers to understand the entire application and thus develop features faster.
  • Simplified testing: The tightly-coupled nature of components makes integration testing more straightforward.
  • Simple deployment: Deploying a single executable, binary file, mobile or web application simplifies the deployment process.


  • Lack of modularity: As the application grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain and update, since changes in one component may affect others.
  • Limited scalability: Scaling often requires scaling the entire application, instead of specific components experiencing increased demand.
  • Longer build and deployment times: Larger applications take more time to build and deploy, slowing down development cycles.
  • Constraints: Developer teams in monolithic applications often lack the freedom to choose the best development tools and technologies best suited for a specific task, as they need to comply with the requirements of the entire application and codebase.

Microservices architecture:


  • Modularity: Applications are divided into smaller, independent services, making it easier to maintain, update, and understand individual components.
  • Scalability: Services can be scaled independently, allowing for efficient resource utilization and better performance.
  • Faster development cycles: Teams can work on different services concurrently, with the ability to make changes and deploy each service to production, without impacting other services. This results in shorter development and deployment times for each service.
  • Fault isolation: If a single service fails, it is less likely to bring down the entire application, improving overall system resilience.


  • Increased complexity: Managing multiple services, their interactions, and dependencies can be more challenging than managing a monolithic application. This is because a microservices application can be composed of hundreds or thousands of moving parts.
  • More difficult testing: Ensuring proper integration and communication between services requires more advanced testing strategies, because it is necessary to test each individual service, test the interactions between them, and also perform end-to-end testing for the system as a whole.
  • Deployment and orchestration: Deploying and managing multiple services may require more sophisticated infrastructure and tooling.

How to Choose Between a Monolithic and Microservices: 3 Key Considerations

Choosing between a monolithic and microservices architecture depends on various factors. Here are the most important considerations to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Project size and complexity: If you’re building a small to medium-sized application with limited complexity, a monolithic architecture might be more suitable due to its simplicity and ease of development. For large-scale, complex applications with multiple functionalities, a microservices architecture can offer better modularity and scalability.
  2. Team expertise: Consider the skills and experience of your development team. If they are familiar with microservices best practices, tools, and technologies, adopting a microservices architecture might be more feasible. However, if the team has limited experience with microservices, a monolithic approach might be more practical, at least initially.
  3. Time-to-market: If getting your application to market quickly is a priority, a monolithic architecture might be advantageous, as it can simplify development, testing, and deployment. However, keep in mind that this advantage may diminish as the application grows in size and complexity.

Should You Switch?

In this section, we focus on switching from monolithic architecture to microservices, as this is the more common transition.

Deciding whether to switch from a monolithic to a microservices architecture depends on your current situation, the challenges you’re facing, and your future plans. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if a transition is warranted:

  • Existing pain points: If your monolithic application is becoming difficult to maintain, experiencing performance issues, or struggling with scalability, it might be a good time to consider a switch to microservices. Addressing these pain points can lead to improved efficiency and better long-term outcomes.
  • Business growth and expansion: If your business is growing or planning to expand its product offerings, transitioning to microservices can help you better manage the increasing complexity and demands placed on your application. This can enable you to more effectively scale and adapt to new requirements.
  • Team structure and organization: If your organization is moving towards a more distributed team structure or adopting DevOps practices, microservices can provide a better fit by enabling individual teams to work on separate services independently, reducing coordination overhead and fostering more agile development.
  • Technology and infrastructure modernization: If you are planning to update your technology stack, infrastructure, or leverage cloud-native technologies, the transition to microservices might be a good opportunity to embrace these changes.

However, before making the switch, keep in mind:

  • Cost and complexity: Transitioning to microservices can be time-consuming, resource-intensive, and expensive, especially if your application is already mature and large. It’s essential to evaluate the costs and potential challenges involved in the migration process.
  • Incremental approach: It’s not always necessary to make a complete switch from monolithic to microservices. You can also consider a hybrid or incremental approach, where you gradually refactor or extract parts of your monolithic application into microservices when it makes sense to do so. This can help you mitigate risks and manage the transition more effectively.