What Are Code Analysis Tools? 

Code analysis tools help identify bugs, security vulnerabilities, and inefficiencies in source code. They automate the process of reviewing code, which saves time and improves accuracy. These tools aid in maintaining high-quality software as they can detect issues that might be overlooked during manual reviews. 

Code analysis tools work by examining the code against a set of predefined rules or algorithms, providing developers with insights and suggestions for improvements. They are important for thorough code evaluation and maintaining software quality throughout the development lifecycle.

Static code analysis tools evaluate source code without executing it, identifying potential issues that could cause problems during execution. Dynamic analysis tools examine a program’s behavior during runtime, identifying issues that surface only when the code executes. 

This is part of a series of articles about code reviews.

Key Features to Look for in a Code Analysis Tool 

When choosing a code analysis tool, it’s important to consider the following capabilities.

Support for Multiple Languages

The diversity in programming environments within a project means that a tool should cater to different coding languages simultaneously. Extensive language support ensures that the tool can evaluate the entire codebase and not just parts of it, providing a thorough analysis across the board. This feature becomes increasingly vital in polyglot environments, where various languages are deployed for different components of the system.

Security Vulnerability Detection

Tools that efficiently uncover security flaws help developers address vulnerabilities early in the development process, minimizing potential security risks after deployment. This early detection reduces the likelihood of costly security breaches and helps maintain the integrity of the software product. Effective security detection tools automatically scan for known vulnerabilities and can adapt to new threats by receiving regular updates. 

Integration with CI/CD Pipelines

Integration with continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines allows inclusion of code reviews in the development workflow, enabling automated analysis with every code change. This integration ensures that issues are identified and resolved quickly, fostering continuous improvement and reducing the risk of defects reaching production.

Customization and Rule Configuration

Customization and rule configuration allow development teams to tailor code analysis tools to fit project needs. Some projects may have unique coding standards or require checks that are not included in default rule sets. The ability to configure rules ensures that the tool can enforce organization-specific guidelines and adapt to evolving requirements. 

Comprehensive Reporting

Comprehensive reporting provides detailed insights into code quality, including metrics, defect trends, and technical debt. Reports generated by code analysis tools present data in a format that is easy to understand for developers and stakeholders. Detailed reports show areas of improvement, track quality over time, and help prioritize development efforts.

Related content: Read our guide to code review tools (coming soon)

Tips from the expert

Omer Rosenbaum
Omer Rosenbaum
CTO & Co-founder at Swimm
In my experience, here are tips that can help you better leverage code analysis tools:
Implement real-time IDE feedback to reduce context switching: Integrate tools like SonarLint or Pylint directly into your developers’ IDEs. Real-time feedback minimizes interruptions by catching code issues immediately, ensuring developers can resolve problems without leaving their environment.
Automate security scanning for third-party dependencies: Tools like Snyk Code and Checkmarx can help detect vulnerabilities not only in your code but also in third-party libraries. Automating dependency scanning ensures that your software stays secure without manual monitoring of open-source libraries.
Use hybrid static and dynamic analysis: Combine static analysis tools like SonarQube or Fortify SCA with dynamic analysis tools for runtime monitoring. This dual approach will help uncover both pre-execution errors and runtime issues, providing more comprehensive code coverage.

Notable Code Analysis Tools

1. Swimm

Swimm is a code analysis tool that enhances code understanding and documentation across development teams. By integrating real-time documentation that updates as the code evolves, Swimm provides deep insights into code structure, dependencies, and logical flow, helping developers quickly analyze and comprehend complex codebases.

Key features:

  • Contextual code analysis: Links live documentation to code elements, giving developers immediate context and reducing the time needed to understand code structure and dependencies.
  • Automatic code-to-doc synchronization: Keeps documentation aligned with the latest code changes, ensuring that analysis and understanding are based on up-to-date information.
  • Code walkthroughs: Enables teams to create guided walkthroughs of complex logic or architectural patterns, making it easier to analyze and communicate key insights.
  • Insightful code metrics: Provides visibility into documentation health, code coverage, and areas lacking explanation, helping teams prioritize improvements and maintain high-quality code.
  • Improved code reviews: With documentation linked to code, reviewers can analyze changes with full context, making code reviews faster and more effective.

2. SonarQube

SonarQube is a code quality and security tool to help developers achieve high-quality code. It integrates with popular DevOps platforms and offers on-premise and cloud deployment options. By providing continuous feedback and actionable insights, it enables teams to maintain code health throughout the software development lifecycle. 

Key features of SonarQube:

  • DevOps integration: Supports platforms like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, Jenkins, and Azure Pipelines for automatic code analysis.
  • Quality gate: Implements a pass/fail threshold to prevent subpar code from being merged or deployed.
  • High performance: Optimized for speed with multi-threading and language-specific enhancements, providing fast analysis.
  • Security rules: Includes 5,000+ security checks, offering taint analysis for critical languages like Java, C#, and Python.
  • IDE integration: SonarLint integration ensures real-time code quality checks when working within a chosen IDE.

Source: SonarSource 

3. Snyk Code

Snyk Code is a developer-focused static application security testing (SAST) tool to secure code as it’s written. By providing instant feedback within the development workflow, Snyk Code helps developers find and fix security vulnerabilities without disrupting their progress. 

Key features of Snyk Code:

  • Real-time scanning: Instantly scans source code in minutes, delivering immediate results without requiring a full build process.
  • Developer-friendly experience: Provides actionable remediation advice, helping developers fix vulnerabilities quickly and avoid code delays.
  • Integrated IDE support: Finds security issues directly in the IDE, allowing developers to address them early in the project.
  • CI/CD security gate: Automatically integrates vulnerability scans into the build process, ensuring secure code before deployment.
  • Language coverage: Supports most popular programming languages and integrates with a range of tools, ensuring security across the entire development pipeline.

Source: Snyk

4. Checkmarx

Checkmarx is an application security platform to help enterprises secure their development lifecycle, from code creation to cloud deployment. It offers an AI-powered solution that integrates multiple AppSec capabilities to detect and remediate security risks.

Key features of Checkmarx:

  • Code to cloud security: Protects applications from the first line of code to cloud deployment and runtime, ensuring full lifecycle security.
  • AI-powered security: Leverages artificial intelligence to simplify security management, improve accuracy, and reduce total cost of ownership (TCO).
  • Unified AppSec platform: Integrates multiple security tools, such as SAST, DAST, and API security, within the SDLC, streamlining management and improving security outcomes.
  • Language support: Supports over 75 languages and technologies, allowing organizations to secure diverse codebases efficiently.
  • Application security posture management (ASPM): Provides real-time insights into the security health of applications, enabling risk management across the application portfolio.

Source: Checkmarx 

5. Fortify Static Code Analyzer

Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) is a static application security testing (SAST) tool to detect and eliminate security vulnerabilities in code early in the development process. It offers developers coverage across multiple programming languages and covers many types of vulnerabilities.  

Key features of Fortify Static Code Analyzer:

  • Extensive vulnerability coverage: Supports 33+ programming languages and over 1,600 vulnerability categories, covering more than one million individual APIs.
  • Developer-friendly: Embeds into development tools like Eclipse, Visual Studio, and Jenkins, allowing developers to identify and fix vulnerabilities early in the SDLC.
  • Speed and accuracy: Offers tunable scans that balance speed and depth, minimizing false positives while providing accurate results.
  • Flexible deployment: Available as a SaaS solution, on-premises, or hybrid, allowing enterprises to choose the best fit for their security infrastructure.
  • Scalable for enterprise: Dynamically scales SAST scans based on the demands of CI/CD pipelines, ensuring security can keep up with rapid development cycles.

Source: Micro Focus

6. ESLint

ESLint is an open-source linting tool that helps developers identify and fix problems in their JavaScript code. It performs static code analysis to detect errors, enforce coding standards, and ensure code quality. 

License: MIT

Repo: https://github.com/eslint/eslint

GitHub stars: ~25k

Contributors: 1000+

Key features of ESLint:

  • Static code analysis: Analyzes JavaScript code without execution to detect issues early, ensuring cleaner, error-free code.
  • Text editor integration: Integrates with popular editors like Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text, providing real-time feedback during development.
  • Automatic fixes: Automatically fixes common issues and enforces consistent code formatting, reducing manual intervention and saving time.
  • Highly customizable: Allows developers to customize rules, use custom parsers, and add plugins to tailor ESLint to specific project requirements.
  • Continuous integration support: Integrates with CI/CD pipelines to ensure code quality checks are automated across development workflows.

Source: ESLint 

7. Brakeman

Brakeman is a static analysis security scanner for Ruby on Rails applications. It analyzes the source code directly, eliminating the need to set up an entire application stack. It scans the application code to identify security vulnerabilities and generates detailed reports, helping developers address issues early in the development process. 

License: MIT, other licenses

Repo: https://github.com/presidentbeef/brakeman

GitHub stars: ~7k

Contributors: 100+

Key features of Brakeman:

  • No configuration needed: Brakeman requires zero setup—it can run it directly on the codebase to begin analyzing security vulnerabilities.
  • Run anytime: Can be run at any stage of development, even before the application is fully built, making it easy to catch vulnerabilities early.
  • Comprehensive coverage: Provides more complete coverage than traditional scanners by analyzing all source code, including pages not yet live or deployed.
  • Rails-specific checks: Tailored to Ruby on Rails applications, it checks configuration settings for security best practices unique to the Rails framework.
  • Flexible testing: Offers the ability to run checks or skip certain ones, allowing developers to customize their scans based on project needs.

Source: Brakeman 

8. Pylint

Pylint is a static code analysis tool for Python that checks code for errors, enforces coding standards, detects code smells, and provides suggestions for code refactoring. It works by analyzing the code without executing it, making it suitable for identifying issues in Python 2 and 3 projects. 

License: GPL-2.0

Repo: https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint

GitHub stars: 5k+

Contributors: 500+

Key features of Pylint:

  • Static code analysis: Analyzes Python code for errors, style violations, and refactoring opportunities, ensuring cleaner, more maintainable code.
  • Highly customizable: Allows users to configure rules and enable or disable specific checks, tailoring the analysis to match project requirements.
  • Inference engine: Uses advanced inference (astroid) to infer the actual values of nodes, even in complex or non-typed code, increasing detection accuracy.
  • Editor and IDE integration: Can be integrated with most popular editors and IDEs for real-time feedback while coding.
  • Plugin support: Supports custom plugins for various libraries and frameworks, such as Django and Pydantic, extending its functionality.

Source: Pylint 

9. DeepSource

DeepSource is a code health platform that helps developers build maintainable and secure software through static analysis and AI-powered tools. It automatically analyzes every pull request to detect code quality, security, and coverage issues before merging, eliminating the need for complex CI setups. 

License: MIT

Repo: https://github.com/deepsourcelabs/test-coverage-action

Contributors: <10

Key features of DeepSource:

  • Static code analysis: Automatically scans every pull request to identify code quality and security issues, enabling developers to fix them before merging to the main branch.
  • Autofix: Automatically generates and applies fixes for thousands of detected issues, reducing manual effort and speeding up development.
  • Code coverage tracking: Tracks line and branch coverage on every commit, helping developers visualize and improve test coverage across the codebase.
  • Integration with popular platforms: Integrates with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, and Google Source Repositories, enabling smooth adoption into existing workflows.
  • Multi-language support: Supports a range of programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, Go, Java, Ruby, and PHP, C++.

Source: DeepSource 

10. Coverity

Coverity Static Analysis is used to detect and fix code quality and security issues in large-scale, complex software. It supports development and security teams in delivering high-quality software that adheres to security and industry standards. 

License: Unknown

Repo: https://github.com/coverity/coverity-security-library

GitHub stars: ~200

Contributors: <10

Key features of Coverity:

  • Static analysis: Detects and fixes complex code quality and security issues across large codebases, ensuring high standards for software quality.
  • Industry standard compliance: Tracks and ensures compliance with important security and coding standards, including OWASP Top 10, CWE Top 25, MISRA, CERT C/C++/Java, and more.
  • Broad language support: Supports 22 programming languages and over 200 frameworks, providing deep analysis across diverse code environments.
  • Real-time feedback in IDE: The Code Sight™ plugin offers real-time defect detection and remediation guidance directly within the developer’s IDE.
  • Seamless DevSecOps integration: Integrates with popular IDEs, CI tools, SCMs, and issue-tracking systems, automating scans on code commits and pull requests for early detection.

Source: Coverity 


Code analysis tools are important in modern software development, helping ensure code quality, security, and efficiency. They automate the detection of potential issues, providing developers with the insights needed to identify and resolve bugs and vulnerabilities. By integrating into development workflows, these tools support continuous improvement and reduce technical debt.