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Swimm Report: The state of developer knowledge sharing 2024

Explore the impact, challenges, and emerging AI trends,
and why 99% of developers say their org isn’t great at it.
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It’s on its way!
The state of developer knowledge sharing

What’s in the report?

Violet icon
Code understanding
is productivity
Developers believe their productivity can improve >50%, yet only 1% says their organization excels at knowledge sharing.
Blue icon
Everyone’s doing it
(AI, that is)
99% of organizations plan on using AI to share technical knowledge, with 30% already experimenting with different tools.
Yellow icon
Management fears
Managers know that important knowledge is lost when key developers move on.

Do these trends resonate?

Swimm analyzes your codebase, business logic, and standards giving developers a knowledge sharing chat contextualized to the specifics of your organization.