Legacy code refactoring is a critical challenge for enterprises in 2024, impacting innovation, performance, and customer value. While it presents complex technical hurdles, effective strategies can transform outdated systems into valuable assets. 

In this post, we’ll explore strategies for managing and modernizing legacy systems, guiding you and your team through the complexities of old code while driving successful refactoring initiatives. Swimm makes working with old and legacy code easier by backfilling gaps, creating new documentation as your code, and ensuring that existing documentation remains current. This way, your team always has clear, useful guides throughout the entire process of building software. 

Embarking on a legacy modernization project? Follow these 5 best practices

1. Give your developers the gift of code understanding

  • Understand your system: Prioritize comprehending the current system. Use documentation to identify elements for preservation, improvement, or removal during refactoring. Swimm’s Auto-docs feature quickly generates repository-wide documentation, jumpstarting refactoring projects.
  • Preserve vital business logic: Clearly document business logic for accurate preservation during refactoring. Understand rule implementation, system interactions, and functionality impacts to maintain core operations. Utilize Mermaid diagrams in Swimm docs to visualize system relationships.
  • Use the right tools: Employ modern tools like Swimm that integrate with codebases, creating living documentation. Features such as Auto-syncing docs and code-coupled explanations ensure comprehensive, accessible documentation for ongoing development.
  • Implement continuous documentation: Regularly update documentation to maintain accuracy as systems evolve. Swimm’s Auto-sync feature keeps documentation current with code changes as part of CI/CD, you can even set up enforcement rules to block PRs if documentation breaks. 

2. Opt for incremental changes over massive overhauls

  • Reduce risk: Incremental refactoring reduces risk by avoiding the uncertainties and issues associated with large-scale overhauls. By implementing smaller changes, developers can isolate and address problems as they arise, minimizing disruption. This approach allows for thorough testing and validation of each change, ensuring system stability and functionality throughout the refactoring process.
  • Continuous delivery of value: Incremental refactoring ensures continuous value delivery by providing users with prompt improvements and new features. This approach keeps stakeholders engaged and satisfied by showcasing tangible progress and immediate benefits. It also allows the team to prioritize and deliver high-value updates early in the process.
  • Easier validation of changes: Making incremental changes simplifies impact validation. Test each small change independently for easier issue identification and resolution. Granular testing catches bugs early, reducing project risks. Automated testing, like unit and end-to-end tests, supports confident code refactoring.
  • Strangler Fig Pattern. The Strangler Fig pattern is an efficient refactoring strategy where new features gradually replace the old system. By creating and redirecting functionality to new components alongside the existing system, the transition occurs smoothly, minimizing risks and disruptions.

3. Teach old code new tricks 

  • AI-powered code analysis: AI tools efficiently analyze legacy codebases, identifying refactoring areas by detecting code issues. They swiftly examine large code volumes, providing insights to enhance code health and structure, and help prioritize refactoring tasks.
  • Automated refactoring suggestions: AI-assisted coding tools analyze code and recommend improvements based on best practices. They suggest breaking down large methods, simplifying complex conditionals, and enhancing readability, speeding up the refactoring process.
  • ML to predict impact: Machine learning models predict code change impacts by analyzing historical data. They help developers understand potential consequences on performance, stability, and compatibility, aiding in informed decision-making and risk mitigation.
  • Generate documentation with AI: AI tools like Swimm generate and maintain context-aware, up-to-date documentation for all code, legacy languages included. They automatically document complex segments and update with changes, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual maintenance. This comprehensive documentation is crucial for effective refactoring.

4. Not all legacy code was created equal 

  • Is it business critical? Prioritize refactoring business-critical components of the legacy system. Focus on areas where failure would cause major disruptions, such as core financial transaction systems or healthcare patient management systems. This approach ensures stability, reliability, and business continuity.
  • Frequence of changes: Prioritize refactoring components of the codebase that are frequently modified, as cleaner and more modular code can reduce effort and risk when making changes. This improves future development efficiency and aligns with evolving business needs, making these areas high-priority for refactoring.
  • Tech debt and new feature development: Address areas with significant technical debt, as it can hinder new feature development. Focus on these bottlenecks to speed up development, enabling the organization to respond more quickly to market demands and competitive pressures. This approach enhances the organization’s agility and innovation capabilities.
  • Regulatory and compliance requirements: In industries with strict regulatory requirements, it’s essential to focus on refactoring tasks that address compliance issues. Ensuring the system meets legal standards, such as GDPR or HIPAA, prevents fines and legal challenges, while protecting the organization’s reputation. Prioritizing these tasks is crucial for businesses in regulated sectors.

5. Create a culture of continuous refactoring

  • Dedicate time for refactoring tasks in every sprint: Allocate specific time for refactoring in each sprint to emphasize its importance and prevent technical debt accumulation.
  • Leave code better than you found it: Encourage developers to adopt the “Boy Scout Rule,” making small improvements whenever they work on code to enhance overall quality.
  • Code review and refactoring: Use code reviews to identify refactoring opportunities, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members.
  • Integrate automated tools: Leverage tools like static code analyzers and linters to identify refactoring needs. Integrate these into CI/CD pipelines for ongoing quality monitoring.  For example, Swimm can detect when code changes affect existing documentation and can either block PRs until the issues are resolved or inform developers about potential breaks. 

Wrapping up

Legacy code refactoring is crucial for enterprise success in 2024, enhancing innovation, performance, and customer value. Key strategies include understanding the system, preserving vital business logic, using modern tools, opting for incremental changes, leveraging AI for analysis and documentation, prioritizing critical components, and fostering a culture of continuous refactoring. Swimm emerges as a valuable tool in this process, offering features like Auto-docs, auto-syncing, and AI-powered documentation generation.

To explore how Swimm can revolutionize how your organization modernizes and works with legacy code, book a demo with a Swimm expert today.